Cattle and Cattle breeding
For example, the following disease patterns are readily available in the CyberScan database:
Acetonemia - Aujeszky's disease - tapeworm - brucellosis - BSE - Lichen - calf diarrhea - Ring worm - calf dysentery - ketosis - Osteomalacia - Coccidia - Head mange - liver fluke - Leukemia - lungworm - mastitis - Foot-and-mouth disease - ruminal acidosis - rumen - parasites - rickets - mange - bovine flu - Trunk mange - Salmonellosis - Tail mange - rabies - Tuberculosis - grass tetany etc.
Cattle are one of the most important sources of food for humans. There are about 1.4 billion cattle across the world and the demand is increasing.

Diseases in cattle breeding and farming or "just" poor output implies financial losses for the breeding and farming industry.

The use of CyberScan can keep the livestock healthy and ensure optimal output at the same time.
